Diagrams_starting to look good. Take more care - process, craft. > Think about other dimensions/other views as only in plan.
Set up layers in Photoshop [potentially illustrator (test)] - animation palette, layers build up. Shows duration, time, action etc.
- Could be diagram for each time I enter the bathroom as opposed to daily diagrams I've done so far. Build up layers in P/shop still. Time.
Like the Perec drawing - big list of stuff.
CRIT_think about what I want to present and what I NEED to present - could be very different things.
Figure out what I need. Have a strong direction now. Need to be able to explain what I've done since last crit - animations will help.
Think about how do I visualize my diary? Whats going on in it? Quick way of analyzing space.
WHAT HOW WHY - start to locate my work.
Ask JP if there are any diffs between when Laura Ford did her MDes to mine - what are they? - Looking at structure and it was helpful.
Be decisive! Decide what I want to do. "This is what I want to do because of...".
Once I have located myself need to see design explorations/investigations. Response to what I have done/previous studies.
THESIS DOCUMENT/SKETCH ESSAY - already on to-do list for today to structure it. Look at previous versions, see what I have done, if it needs included or not. Adapt to project now and it will clarify my direction. Once I've done the structure send through to JP/Ant (Ant on leave so send to JP and ask to comment).
Come up with strategy or process - will help me with design aspect. Diagrams are starting to do this but need to be more detailed/rigorous - width lacking, overlay width of body etc. Circles are center of body but moves to hand which is weird. Come up with system for different things - line for movement, dashed line for hand. Colour to differentiate time.
Line in Illustrator, export to Photoshop > animation. TEST before spending hours doing something that might not work. Get the workflow going today.
Exploded AXO in Sketchup? Components, reshuffle them (design explorations?). Overlay with photos, drawings. Movement diagrams - start to show me and my diaryness. Move things around.
Could be Photoshop to PPT - shows progression/animation. Shows how its built up - 50 slides showing layers.
Design_later today bust out some work. Quick charettes. Half a dozen takes on the bathroom/my bathroom. Then I have 'stuff'. "Here's some design approaches but it doesn't work because...". Even do a couple of models. Paper. Moving things around.
Set up a few models. Duration - reconfigure bathroom. Frequently used. Different uses. Reasons for being in bathroom - brushing teeth etc.
Skype later.
Reshuffle the bathroom.
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