Need sense of scale, program etc
Need to test out what I'm doing
Just pictures. Nothing else. Need to further them - site etc.
Can't understand images.
What is a digital bathroom? What is it's influence?
Tidy up relationship between 'rooms'.
Developed away from Massey - spurred blogs + skype. Convenience/ease of communication.
Digital software - sketchup - implies screen.
Mode I'm going to exhibit - distributed.
Icreasingly more aware of convenience. Major factor in directing project.
More to do with the meaning of the project.
How do I address the tool (Sketchup) I am using - reflect upon it.
Don't understand what I've designed from images. Context/scale/site/materiality/details. How it fits in its existing site?
Giving the images titles.
Understand how design works?
Position exhibition overtaking design
-fuzzy about locations.
Need to focus on design.
What is the core purpose of design/MDes project?
Shift focus. Why is it important to have other people?
Learn to design bathroom from blog?
How do people design bathrooms for themselves?
What is the best way to present project?
How do I open site up?
What does it give to project?
What is an equal/opposite situation to occur?
Plumbing shop. Sit amongst products - sense uniqueness.
Question some o the things I have started with. What are the implications? how will it be read?
Drawing into them by hand. Testing of design.
Object in flat space.
Getting information out. To test it.
Brigid - radius.
Step back from design. Explaining each image.